Diploma in Revenue Management
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Certification / Management

Diploma in Revenue Management

The Diploma in Revenue Management delivers the skills and knowledge required to succeed as a professional in an operational revenue management role.

The certification has been created in collaboration with HSMAI and consists of the core competencies of Revenue Management together with four elective topics covering key skill areas as well as associated soft skills.

This Diploma requires the completion of a  real-life scenario case study, located in this course.

Curriculum content

  • The fundamental components of Revenue Management are applied to any business with fixed capacity, perishable inventory, and time-variable demand. This course introduces you to the elements of revenue management that you need to be familiar with to understand the role of revenue in the accommodation industry. It is not just about pricing. The revenue discipline involves many skills, and this initial course will introduce you to each. What you will learn In this course, you will learn About each of the components, or practices, that makeup what we call 'Revenue Management.' The benefits of being part of the Revenue department team Revenue and Distribution Management terms and definitions, we provide you with a quick reference guide, so you always have a place to go to check out what specific terms mean How to develop your career in Revenue Management in the Accommodation industry
    • Lesson Overview of Accommodation Revenue Management

    • Lesson Course Completion Survey

  • Recent research from the University of Cornell used eye-tracking software and interviews to analyse how consumers make accommodation decisions and the process involved.  The results found that the imagery was a critical component far more than price. One of the study authors, Stephani K. A. Robson, said: "What guests appear to be thinking about is how well all the pieces of information about the hotel‚ price, brand, photo, ratings, and so on‚ fit together. They used pictures to imagine themselves at the property and to see if the hotel was the right fit for them, so images that provide some sense of the experience, not just what the hotel looks like from the outside, may be powerful, perhaps even more than reviews or ratings which get a lot of attention from the industry. Hoteliers now need to learn how to influence consumers to book their rooms instead of another property. To do this, you'll need an understanding of the customer journey, not just for holiday-makers but for business people too. You will learn: How do your potential customers view the trip-planning process Learn how customers search and find accommodation options Learn what drives customers search and selection process Learn what influences their choices during their search Many hotels are part of Hotel loyalty programs so we will explain what these are and how why people join How Loyalty clubs are used to influence the selection of accommodation
  • In this course, we provide an essential Revenue toolkit for assessing your Hotel Accommodation Market. This course explains the marketplace for accommodation. You'll learn the basics of economics and the role it plays in the revenue function. Learning how to identify your competitors, benchmark your property against theirs and how to win more business from them is a big part of the revenue role. This course will teach you how to read competitor reports and gain some insights from them so that you can act to improve your profits. You will learn: We will provide you with the answers to the following questions: What¬†are the fundamental principles of¬†Economics and their¬†role in Hotel Revenue Management? The concepts of Supply and Demand How do Revenue Directors monitor and measure their competitor marketplace? How to identify your true competitor properties? Other than price, what influences our booking volume? How to read a typical competitor report and use other data to make better decisions.
  • Hotel rooms are goods with a shelf life of one day, so hoteliers need to maximise their value. With an accurate forecast, the General Manager can plan the staff requirements for each day, knowing the number of guests in the hotel daily. Management will understand their performance goals in terms of occupancy, rate and overall room revenue. Accurate forecasts will make pricing decisions much more straightforward. A forecast is a tool to run a hotel more effectively and profitably. YOU WILL LEARN What are the different types of forecasts? What are the objectives for each of the types of forecasts? What information do I need to put a forecast together? How do I find this information? What questions should I ask when putting together a forecast? How often should I adjust the forecasts? What steps do I need to follow to put the forecast together? What is the difference between unconstrained and constrained demand? What are the elements of an accurate forecast?
  • A revenue strategy is critical to the success of a hotel‚ as a revenue management philosophy. A revenue strategy allows the entire revenue team to discuss, strategise, and understand what the goals are for the hotel, and how to work towards these goals. It is also critical that the strategy is properly documented and available to the team during the year. By strategising with the revenue team, you will effectively have a set of guidelines to work with all year as well as solid, measurable goals to work towards. Different revenue strategies explained Inventory Control ‚Äì how you can use inventory to increase your profit Why revenue managers might withhold inventory in specific scenarios You will learn: To understand how a successful revenue strategy is created To understand how the revenue strategy is used day-to-day to make decisions To understand how a revenue manager measures the success of the revenue strategy once it has been implemented
  • Once the revenue strategy has been created and agreed upon, the Pricing Strategy is developed. Developing the pricing strategy will effectively set the 'rules' for the pricing tactics for the year and possibly longer. This course explains the components of the pricing strategy and how the revenue team use this as their guide to creating and implementing pricing tactics throughout the year. What you will learn The definition of the different types of pricing To understand the importance of strategic pricing To understand the impact of pricing decisions To understand the importance of pricing integrity
  • All businesses need access to reports and data to improve their business.  Accommodation providers have a lot of data available to them. This course explains how to get the data you need, and what you can use it for and will cover some examples of how you can improve your business using data and intelligence. What you will learn: This course will define a few terms commonly used in hospitality: Business Intelligence; Big Data; Small data, Analytics; Customer Analytics; What types of data do RMs use?  Where do they get their data from?  Where is data available? How to read and gain insights from data and reports; Ways to present data in an easily digestible format.
  • Everyone in a hotel's team needs to understand the role of Revenue Management in the performance and culture of the property as well as what a typical Revenue Director's role entails. Learn about the role of the Revenue department, the purpose of Revenue Strategy Meetings, and how the department fits into the organisation at the property and corporate levels. The hotel industry does not have just one organisational structure that works for all environments, cultures, or companies. The organisational structure that works best for each hotel or company depends on a few key elements, which will be explained in this course. The various structures, along with the benefits and challenges, are explained.  You will learn: To understand the importance of a revenue management culture; To understand the different types of structures and the benefits and challenges of each; To understand the critical elements of how revenue management integrates into an organisation; To understand the importance of the Revenue Meeting and how it contributes to the culture across the business.
  • Welcome to the online course "Work Effectively with Others"! This course is designed to equip you with the essential skills and strategies needed to excel in collaborating and communicating with your colleagues in the dynamic world of hospitality. In this course, we will explore various aspects of working effectively with others. We will delve into the importance of valuing differences in values and beliefs within your team, and how this can foster creativity, innovation, and an inclusive workplace culture. You will discover practical strategies that can be applied across different hotel departments to achieve these goals. Identifying and Addressing Workplace Issues will guide you in recognizing and addressing potential team issues, problems, and conflicts. You will gain insights into common workplace challenges and learn how to proactively identify early signs and symptoms, ensuring a harmonious and productive work environment. Strategies for Effective Issue Resolution: we will focus on mastering the art of active listening and empathy. These skills are essential for resolving issues, maintaining positive team dynamics, and creating a supportive work environment. You will learn techniques to improve your active listening abilities, cultivate empathy, and build trust during issue resolution. So, prepare to enhance your skills, broaden your perspectives, and develop the mindset needed to work effectively with others in the vibrant hospitality industry. Learning Outcomes: Improve workgroup processes Support team members to meet workgroup goals Contribute to workgroup goals and tasks according to organisational requirements Share work-related information with the workgroup according to organisational policies and procedures Plan strategies for team performance improvement with workgroup Resolve issues, problems and conflict Identify advantages of differences in values and beliefs between workgroup members Respond to any linguistic and cultural differences in communication styles according to legislation, organisational policies and procedures and ethical standards Identify potential workgroup issues, problems and conflicts encountered in the workplace Seek assistance from supervisor to address problems and conflicts that arise Suggest possible ways of dealing with identified workplace issues Deal effectively with issues, problems and conflict Respect differences in personal values and beliefs and their importance in developing relationships. Identify any linguistic and cultural differences in communication styles and respond appropriately. Identify issues, problems and conflicts encountered in the workplace. Seek assistance from workgroup members when issues, problems and conflict arise and suggest possible ways of dealing with them as appropriate or refer them to the appropriate person.
  • Our 'Coach Others in Job Skills' course, has been meticulously designed to equip you with the skills to foster a culture of continuous learning and growth in your workplace. This course guides you through the intricacies of preparing for effective coaching, delivering impactful on-the-job training, and ensuring lasting results through diligent follow-up. You'll learn to identify coaching needs, communicate essential skills, and provide constructive feedback, all while enhancing your team's performance. Whether it's understanding the nuances of skill demonstration or mastering the art of supportive feedback, our course prepares you to become the catalyst for your colleagues' professional development, ultimately contributing to a more skilled and proficient workforce. You will learn: 1. Prepare for on-the-job coaching. 1.1 Identify the need for coaching based on a range of factors. 1.2 Identify specific coaching needs through discussion with a colleague and organise coaching sessions. 2. Coach colleagues on the job. 2.1 Explain the overall purpose of coaching to colleagues.2.2 Explain and demonstrate the specific skills. 2.3 Communicate required knowledge and check colleague understanding. 2.4 Advise organisational procedures for completing workplace tasks. 2.5 Provide colleagues with the opportunity to practise the skill and ask questions. 2.6 Provide feedback in a constructive and supportive manner. 3. Follow-up coaching. 3.1 Monitor the progress of new workplace skills and provide supportive assistance.3.2 Report progress to the appropriate person. 3.3 Identify performance problems or difficulties with the coaching and rectify or refer to the appropriate person for follow-up.
  • In today's dynamic and ever-evolving hospitality landscape, continuous improvement is key to staying ahead of the curve. That's why our course goes beyond the basics, providing you with a deep dive into the intricacies of roster management, operational efficiency, and customer service excellence. Our course covers everything from developing staff rosters according to industrial agreements and wage budgets to maximizing operational efficiency and delivering exceptional customer service. You'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the role of rosters in optimizing workforce management, ensuring the right people are in the right place at the right time. You'll discover how operational and customer service efficiency can drive guest satisfaction, enhance your hotel's reputation, and, ultimately, boost revenue. As you progress through each chapter, you'll explore the intricate relationship between rosters, wage costs, and organizational budgets, discovering strategies to minimize costs while maximizing productivity and service quality. You'll uncover the latest technological advancements that revolutionize roster management, empowering you to streamline processes and leverage automation tools for greater efficiency. Customer service excellence is at the core of this course because hospitality is built on creating memorable experiences for our guests. You'll learn proven techniques to enhance customer service efficiency, leaving a lasting impression on every guest who walks through your hotel's doors. So, if you're ready to take your career in hospitality to the next level, we invite you to dive into this comprehensive course. Equip yourself with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to thrive in this dynamic industry. Let's embark on this transformative journey together. Get started today! Learning Outcomes: Develop staff rosters Develop rosters according to relevant industrial agreements, other considerations and wage budgets. Maximise operational and customer service efficiency while minimising wage costs. Combine duties where appropriate to ensure effective use of staff. Roster teams with complementary skills mix to meet operational requirements. Take account of social and cultural considerations and broader organisational policies that affect staff rosters. Consult with colleagues to obtain their input into rosters. Use roster systems and equipment to administer rosters. Present and communicate rosters Present rosters in required formats to ensure clarity of information according to organisational standards. Communicate rosters to appropriate colleagues within designated timeframes. Maintain rostering records Administer records of shift time completed by employees or contractors. Maintain staff rostering records according to organisational procedures. Evaluate rosters Monitor the effectiveness of rosters in consultation with colleagues. Identify ways in which rosters and roster development processes may be improved and take appropriate action.
  • The ability to lead diversity is an essential leadership skill. Managers and leaders need to understand their own biases and those of others in the team so they can work towards fostering a more diverse workplace culture where everyone feels included no matter what background or belief system they have. This course applies to individuals who direct the work of others in teams of variable sizes. They may work with staff from different cultures, races, religions, generations, or other forms of difference in any industry context.
  • This course describes the skills and knowledge required to participate in the effective workplace written and spoken communication. It applies to individuals who perform mainly routine tasks using limited practical skills and fundamental knowledge in a defined context. Individuals demonstrate oral and written communication skills when interacting with colleagues and clients. They generally work under direct supervision.
  • The Provide Service to Guests course applies to all front-line team members serving customers and colleagues daily. This course provides the skills necessary to effectively work in departments such as Front Office, Housekeeping, Food and Beverage, Conference and Banqueting, Spa and Golf Services. Positions include reception, concierge, porter, room attendant, waiter, bartender, chef, therapist, golf professional, retail assistant and manager. In this course, you will cover verbal and non-verbal communication, personal presentation, service standards, establishing rapport, special needs, recognizing opportunities and dealing with customer complaints. You will also cover providing feedback on customer service experiences and supporting service improvements. The course is ideal for individuals wishing to improve their service skills, potential hospitality employees, and teams wishing to implement and maintain consistent service delivery standards.
  • You can be successful in any meeting if you know how to manage it. This course will teach all the skills and knowledge required for chairing meetings and overseeing preparation processes like preparing minutes or drafting reports. The course applies to individuals in various work environments who are required to organise and manage meetings within their workplace. These individuals may work as senior administrative staff or may be individuals responsible for conducting and chairing meetings in the workplace.
  • A professional presentation is important for hoteliers as it is crucial in effectively conveying information, influencing and motivating audiences, making informed decisions, and promoting the hotel's products or services.  As a hotelier, you often need to deliver presentations to various stakeholders, including guests, colleagues, and potential business partners. A well-prepared and confidently delivered presentation can create a positive impression, build trust, and contribute to the success of the hotel business. Learning Outcomes: Prepare a Presentation Plan and document presentation approach and intended outcomes. Choose presentation strategies, format and delivery methods that match the characteristics of the target audience, location, resources and personnel needed. Select presentation aids, materials and techniques that suit the format and purpose of the presentation and will enhance the audience's understanding of key concepts and central ideas. Brief others involved in the presentation on their roles/responsibilities within the presentation. Select techniques to evaluate presentation effectiveness.   Deliver a presentation Explain and discuss desired outcomes of the presentation with the target audience. Use presentation aids, materials, and examples to help the target audience understand key concepts and central ideas. Monitor non-verbal and verbal communication of participants to promote the attainment of presentation outcomes. Use persuasive communication techniques to secure audience interest. Provide opportunities for participants to seek clarification on central ideas and concepts and adjust the presentation to meet participant needs and preferences. Summarise key concepts and ideas at strategic points to facilitate participant understanding. Review the presentation Implement techniques to review the effectiveness of the presentation. Seek and discuss reactions to the presentation from participants or key personnel involved in the presentation. Utilise feedback from the audience or from key personnel involved in the presentation to make changes to the central ideas presented.
  • Welcome to the course "Process Reservations", designed specifically for hotel reservations team members. This comprehensive training program will equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to manage guest reservations from start to finish effectively.  You will learn how to take reservations over the phone, in person, and through the hotel's website. You will also learn how to make changes to existing reservations and handle cancellations professionally and efficiently.  By the end of this course, you will be able to confidently handle all aspects of the reservation process and provide guests with exceptional customer service. Learning Outcomes: Receive reservation request - Determine the availability of the requested reservation and advise the customer. - Offer alternatives for unavailable reservations including waitlist options. - Answer enquiries regarding costs and other product features. Record details of reservation - Record customer details against their reservation to allow correct interpretation by other operational personnel. - Enhance customer service and operational efficiency by using available customer profiles or history. - Record any special requests. - Confirm all details with the customer, confirm their understanding and agreement - File the reservation according to system or procedural requirements and provide the customer with a reference code. - Prepare and issue documents  tailored to customer reservation. Update reservations - Retrieve reservation data. - Accurately update financial status of the reservation. - Accept, process and record any customer requests for amendments or cancellations. - Provide details of amendment or cancellation conditions and charges and confirm customer understanding. Advise others on reservation details. - Communicate general and specific customer requirements and reservation details to appropriate departments and colleagues. - Compile and provide reservation statistics. - Minimise the use of printed materials and maximise electronic transmission and record keeping to reduce waste.
  • The case study is set in a fictional context, but the data presented is based on actual operations. The data has been tested to ensure that it is realistic, reliable and within conventional industry benchmarks. In analysing this case study, you should ensure that you consider all information and data as relevant and use the data and your analysis to illustrate your answer.
  • Most industries segment their markets (their customer and potential customers) into different segments to understand them more¬†and to customise their products to each segment. This is a fundamental way to increase revenue for your business. As a revenue professional, you will need to know how the segments are defined and how you can increase your property's revenue and profits with that knowledge. What you will learn The definition of market segmentation in the Accommodation Industry How to define each segment What is the difference between a channel and a segment How to use this segmentation to gain insights and improve revenue and profit results Understand different consumer behaviours in different channels Understand the different terms and strategies used; Segments vs Channels vs personalised offers